Configure Your First Connector

In this section you will learn how to create a Connectors profile

In the following example, we will create a Connector to fetch the current weather for Chicago, Illinois using OpenWeatherMap.

  1. Create a new Connector profile using the Create New button.
  1. Populate the Connectors profile:
    General Tab
  • Profile Key: weather_service
  • Connection Name: Weather Service
  • Connection Type: Web API

API Configuration Tab


Routes Tab
Click on the Routes tab and click on the Create New button to open a new Route Profile.

  • Route Key: current_weather_chicago
  • Route Name: Current Weather Chicago
  • Request Type: GET
  • Web API Route URL: /data/2.5/weather
  • Query Parameters
    Key: q
    Value: Chicago,Illinois
  1. Click on "Ok" to save and close the Route Profile.
  2. Click on "Submit" to save the Connectors Profile.