Dashboard Reports Overview

This section provides an overview of Dashboards

The Dashboard displays a visual representation of all the Agilit-e APIs that were executed. The Reports are displayed in different categories:

  • Total API calls per module
  • Total API calls per module per day
    The APIs can either be successfully executed or they could have failed. The APIs are also categorised as Successful or Failed.

Dashboard Report Dates

You can customise the Date Range of the Dashboard Report, by default, the Dashboard shows a report from the first day of the month to the current day.

Customise Date Range

  1. Click here to open the Agilit-e Admin Portal and sign in.
  1. Navigate to the Dashboard Module using the Portal Menu.
  1. Click on the Change Dates button on the top right.
  1. A dialog will open where you can customise the date range of the Dashboard.