Register New Account
This section explains the registration process on Agilit-e Cloud
Registering an Agilit-e account is simple. All that is required is some basic information, a valid email address (which becomes your username), and a Team Id (Usually one's company or entity name).
Below are the input fields that make up the Registration form, along with their validation rules:
First Name
- (compulsory)Last Name
- (compulsory)Membership Type
- (compulsory)Team Id
- (compulsory ; lowercase ; no spaces or special characters ; must be unique) (NOTE: Underscores are allowed)Password
- (compulsory ; strong password recommended)Confirm Password
- (compulsory ; must matchpassword
Register New User
To register a new Agilit-e account, navigate to and in the Sign-In form, click on the Register button.
Populate each of the fields in the Registration form, taking note of the validation rules mentioned above. When done, click on the Register button.
If registration was successful, you will be taken to a confirmation page. If registration failed, you will be provide with the relevant reasons, of which you can then correct the information and try again.
Account Verification
You should receive an e-mail verification from Agilit-e support almost immediately. The email will contain basic information about your user account as well as a verification link. Click on the verification link to activate your Agilit-e account.
If successfully activated, you will be taken to the following page:
Updated almost 5 years ago